Songs of the Sea Music Downloads


We Won't Be Quiet0:30
Way Beyond Myself0:30
Trinity Roll Up0:30
St. Patrick's Breastplate0:30
Let the Fire Fall0:30
Jesus Loves Me0:30
Holy, Holy, Holy0:30
Good Samaritan (skit)0:30
Bishop Patrick0:30
Bread of Life0:30

Songs of the Sea Music Downloads Only. To purchase the the CD, go here.

The music on this site cannot be copied and is used for program purposes only. Bulk music downloads are available after purchase; download link will expire after 7 days.
A login must be created at checkout and will be confirmed in order to download files. If you order extra copies, you can create a group login to share with your group. Downloads will be limited to the number of copies you purchase.

Order extra copies for every child to sing and shout, praise and worship! Two copies of non-reproducible Music included with each program... ONLY $5.99. Downloads available after purchase for 7 days after the purchase date.

Due to copyright laws the program and digital files are for your parish use only and cannot be shared with other organizations.